Two years ago I read in an article that Denmark will be “Down syndrome free” by the year 2030. Not because of any great scientific breakthrough either, only through eugenics.
Eugenics is the processes of weeding out unwanted genetic
traits in order to purify the human race.
It was a kick to the gut.
This essay, "Arguing Eugenics: A case for changing the world" is my response. It argues the case for children considered to be imperfect. Filled with facts about Down syndrome, quotes from specialists, and personal anecdotes, this quick read will leave you with a clearer picture of the power of potential.
This is not an essay about Pro-Choice or Pro-Life. This essay is directed towards:
Parents-to-be who want a child, the families of those parents, and the health
care providers that work with those parents. It is these three groups that make
eugenics possible or stop its progression.
Eugenics is the processes of weeding out unwanted genetic
traits in order to purify the human race.
It was a kick to the gut.
This essay, "Arguing Eugenics: A case for changing the world" is my response. It argues the case for children considered to be imperfect. Filled with facts about Down syndrome, quotes from specialists, and personal anecdotes, this quick read will leave you with a clearer picture of the power of potential.
This is not an essay about Pro-Choice or Pro-Life. This essay is directed towards:
Parents-to-be who want a child, the families of those parents, and the health
care providers that work with those parents. It is these three groups that make
eugenics possible or stop its progression.
"From Grief to Celebration, How One Family Learned to Embrace the Gift of Down
Syndrome". This book shares a parent's perspective of the birth of a child with
special needs, and the journey our family has taken together while learning to
embrace and celebrate this unexpected event.
This book will help others who are touched by special needs, as well as professionals as they work to advocate for our special community. It is a lesson in disability awareness and
the gifts all children bring to the world.
Syndrome". This book shares a parent's perspective of the birth of a child with
special needs, and the journey our family has taken together while learning to
embrace and celebrate this unexpected event.
This book will help others who are touched by special needs, as well as professionals as they work to advocate for our special community. It is a lesson in disability awareness and
the gifts all children bring to the world.